Projektek megfogalmazása, előkészítése, lebonyolítása, figyelemmel kísérése; fejlesztési ötletek projektté alakítása; pénzügyi támogatás elnyerése; pályázati felhívások nyomon követése és pályázati tanácsadás; szakmai és üzleti partnerkeresés


Ajánljuk szolgáltatásainkat az alábbi területeken

stratégia tervezés és helyi/térségi fejlesztés

  • stratégiatervek készítése

  • helyi gazdaságfejlesztési stratégiák

  • új gazdasági tevékenységek kifejlesztéséhez elemzések, javaslatok

  • megvalósíthatósági tanulmányok, üzleti tervek, szerkezeti/szociális-gazdasági és környezeti hatástanulmányok

befektetés-előkészítés, külpiacok bekapcsolása és nemzetközi kapcsolatok kiépítése

piackutatás, piacértékelés, marketing tevékenység.

pályázati és projektmunka

hazai és külföldi - EU és EU-n kívüli - pénzforrások megtalálása az elhatározott projekthez

projekt koncepció összeállítása

partnereink fejlesztéshez és projektekhez szükséges szervezeti és humán kapacitásainak kiegészítése szakértőinkkel

részvétel projektek lebonyolításában és a monitoring-ban.

projektekhez, fejlesztésekhez befektetők megkeresése, ehhez szükséges befektetői ajánlat készítése

részvétel pályázati anyag elkészítésében és benyújtásában

részvétel a projekt lebonyolításában a lebonyolítási koordinációban, titkársági teendők ellátásában és a nyomon követésben (szervezés, lebonyolítás, levelezés, idegen nyelvi segítség, auditálás, monitoring, stb.), helyi képviselet ellátása

szakmai partnerkapcsolatok szervezése

Segítségünk és szolgáltatásunk minden területén erősségünk = lehetőségünk

az elmúlt mintegy 20 év során sikeresen és eredményesen pályázó és projekteket eredményesen lebonyolító külföldi partnerek és szakértő team segítségének, közreműködésének igénybe vétele és ennek bevonásával együttes projekt koncepció kidolgozása, a bevált sikertényezők alkalmazása a partnerek fejlesztéseiben, a sikeres kooperációkhoz szükséges szakmai partnerek megkeresése és az együttműködés beindítását segítő operatív szakértői, tanácsadási munka









DEX Hungary Kft


DEX HUNGARY background

DEX Hungary is the Hungarian arm of DEX a Spanish consultancy which has for more than ten years been successfully assisting entities in Spain to gain access to the EU Structural Funds and other EU programmes.

DEX Hungary is led by Laszlo Nemeth who himself has long experience of working with the EU in the interests of Hungarian entities in the public and private sector. For example immediately after the transition Laszlo was appointed Director of the ungarian Development Foundation. HUDEFO was established by the Hungarian government, in cooperation with the National Association of Enterpreneurs of Hungary, supported by a T.A. Programme of the government of the Netherlands. During its ten years of activity, the Foundation carried out a couple of hundreds of successful, mainly SME- projects in the field of industry, agriculture and services, acting as a key catalyst of the Hungarian post-transition process to market economy.


DEX Spain is based in Oviedo in the Asturias region of Spain. The company has a flexible and highly competitive structure, with Head offices in Oviedo (Spain) and branches in Avilés, Llanera, Barcelona y Vigo and built round a multidisciplinary team of experts in law, trade and economy, with long experience in international relations and in-depth knowledge of the multilateral organisations and their procedures.

DEX can call on highly specialised teams to carry out research in the following areas:

  • Elaboration of Strategic Plans.

  • Elaboration of Local Economic Development Strategies.

  • Analysis of Proposals for the development of new economic activities.

  • Feasibility studies and identification of external funding sources.

  • Structural and Socio-economic Impact Studies.

DEX has produced documents for local and regional entities in different spheres:

  • regeneration of urban areas,

  • development of rural areas, support to SMEs,

  • tourism development strategies,

  • reviews of museums and other cultural infrastructures,

  • economic feasibility and funding of transport systems and infrastructures, the impact of policies in protected spaces, etc

DEX has a strong reputation in this field thanks to its extensive list of successful projects and clients comprising International Groups of Companies, Governments, Chambers of Commerce and other Entrepreneurial Organisations

Divisions dealing with E.U. : 1. Consulting and access to funding opportunities

2. International Relations

3. Consulting for the internationalisation of companies

4. Consulting on international investments

5. International Co-operation projects

The company has experience of many EU programmes including

  • Socio-economic development strategies

  • Strategic Planning

  • Re-organisation of local structures

  • Elaboration and management of Development Plans (tourism, SMEs, etc.)

Projects developed by DEX include

  • the creation of e-government systems; the promotion of I.T. Consortia,

  • industrial Clusters and Business Angels networks;

  • the development of multicultural projects; innovative training methodologies.



DEX Spain has for the last year been developing DEX CENTRAL EUROPE a network of offices in the New Europe provide technical assistance on Structural Funds to the new Member States of the EU. Currently DEX has offices in Poland Czech Republic Hungary and Bulgaria and others are being developed in other countries of the region

DEX Spain has also taken the initiative of forming one of the first European Economic Interest Groupings called DEX NEW EUROPE which brings together an even wider group of experts and companies with experience of developing and implementing EU projects in CEE countries.

The offices and contacts involved in DEX CENTRAL EUROPE and DEX NEW EUROPE EEIG constitute a powerful network of expertise and experience in using EU funds in a wide range of spheres related to public administration and economic development.

DEX HUNGARY can draw on this extensive network of experts from both the old and new Member States of the EU to provide the services necessary to allow Hungarian entities to benefit to the full from the funds available under EU programmes in the period 2008-2013.


Based on its own experience and that of the wider DEX network DEX HUNGARY can offer a wide range of services to the following client groups :

  • Central government

  • Local authorities

  • Associations

  • Regional development agencies

  • NGO’s

  • Public authorities, universities, research institutes

Access to EU funds and implementing of EU programmes is complicated and time is short. DEX HUNGARY can make the path a little easier.


  • Services to associations and regions

  1. Full-scale technical assistance on EU projects generation

DEX Hungary would like to be in effect an external assisting partner of the client, a one stop shop assisting with all aspects of accessing and using EU funds. DEX already has considerable experience of providing such services to regions and entities in Spain. The services include

  • Training of the staff on EU projects development

  • Newsletter or alerts on calls

  • Joint identification of potential projects to be developed

  • Presentation of projects and all the related work on identification of partners, drafting of application forms, budgets etc.

  • Inclusion of the client in other projects or networks being developed other European organizations

This service would be provided for at a year-round basis.

  1. Case by case service

Alternatively DEX Hungary could cooperate with the client on a case by case basis identifying and submitting projects in response to an EU call or Operational or other programme deadline. DEX Hungary is able to participate also in the project management in case of approval.

    • Services to associations and regions on behalf of their members and components

This service is related to the case by case service outlined in A2 above. In this instance , however, the idea would be to carry out innovative projects for enterprises and municipalities promoted by their associations and regions.

Some examples could include:

Creation of industrial/business clusters

Technical assistance on the creation of sectoral business clusters in specific geographic areas in order to help businesses to increase their competitiveness and productivity and thereby to perform better at national and global levels. DEX has already collaborated on the creation of clusters in the wood, energy and automotive sectors. The type of services which would be required for this include the identification of companies and sectoral diagnostics, identification of strategy ,objectives and activities, creation of clusters and the corresponding statutes, legal registration, business plan etc.

The participation of a selected group of SME’s in the Interreg/CADSES Central Europe and South-East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme as well as the 7Th Framework Programme of Scientific and Technical Cooperation

DEX has already undertaken such work in Spain the idea being to identify and select a small group of SME’s with the potential to participate in the 7th Framework Programme. Tasks include the creation of a small team, organization of study visits and production of materials (catalogue, homepage etc ).


DEX Hungary through its links with the wider DEX network and DEX NEW EUROPE EEIG has the capacity to deliver a wide range of services in the field of e-business including ICT audits, intellectual assets audits and workshops, and e-business training all of which are central to the EU’s approach to small business development in the New Europe.

    • Services to associations and regions on behalf of their members and components

DEX is able to provide through its wide network of contacts throughout Europe and other areas, building contacts with potential investors to existing undertakings as well as greenfield or brownfield projects, town and countryside rehabilitation and restructuring schemes or innovative ideas for development.


DEX Hungary Kft László Németh managing director

1114 Budapest, Bocskai út 3-5. Hungary e -mail:

phone.:  00-36... fax: 00-36-1-7861213

Contact for DEX Spain: Desarrollo de Estrategias Exteriores, S.A.

Fernando Mendez Navia CEO 33007 Oviedo, Santa Susana, 20, 7. Izq. Oviedo, Spain

phone:  00-34... fax: 00-34-985/202986





















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